Back to the Future Game Walkthrough Xbox One

EPISODE I: It's About Time

We open on the Twin Pines Mall parking lot, sure to be a familiar sight to fans of the films. The game hits you with a missable achievement straight away, although it may (as it did for me) come without trying. All that you need to do is select Marty's lines from the first film: "You disintegrated Einstein" & "You built a time machine out of a DeLorean?" and the achievement should pop after the cutscene.

Retrieve Doc's notebook from the toolbox to the left, select whatever dialogue option you like and as Doc fades away? Turns out it was only a dream, although Doc has been missing for months and you're missing the estate sale!

Arrive at Doc's house and attempt to secure some of his more valuable possessions. In the right-rear corner of the room there's a scale model of the Hill Valley town square. Inspect it, and you'll find Doc's notebook hidden inside the model of the courthouse with the famous clock tower. Of course, Biff snatches it from you and isn't willing to hand it back over. Let's find something to distract him.

Head back to the left and Marty's father, George, puts a box with Marty's guitar in it on the counter. That's not for sale so grab it and open your inventory with cn_X, then select the guitar. Use it with the big amplifier to your right and Marty will plug it in. Now select the amplifier controls to the left of the big speaker to crank it up. Select the guitar, and as you might expect, Biff comes over to steal the show. But George intervenes and Biff hands the guitar back. Talk to your father and tell him you can "fight your own fights" and he agrees. Continue chatting with George if you like, but otherwise back out of the conversation and go for your guitar again. This time our plan works and Marty can retrieve Doc's notebook. Suddenly, there's a familiar commotion outside, where you discover the DeLorean has returned! You'll also pop the games first story-based achievement at this point.

Open up the DeLorean to find Doc's trusty dog, Einstein, but unfortunately no Doc. Grab a shoe from the floorboard and a handheld tape recorder from the seat. A message from Doc explains that since Doc failed to return to the time machine within a determined window, the automated recall has sent the DeLorean back to Doc's house in 1986. Doc reminds Marty to check the "Last Time Departed" to determine when to look for him, but that portion of the time circuit display is malfunctioning! With no other option, exit the time machine and give the shoe to Einstein and see if he can get a scent.

You'll arrive in downtown Hill Valley, outside an apartment building. Use the buzzer and you'll be confronted by a... lovely old woman. Say "I've got something for you", use the mysterious shoe on Edna when prompted, and you'll be invited up. On the left wall above a desk you'll see some photos - interact with them until you pop another missable achievement. You're looking for an old time photo of a Strickland in uniform. He was the principal with an anger problem in the movies. It took me two tries to unlock:

With that finished, select Edna and ask "when did you lose your shoe?" to learn it was the same day Hill Valley's speakeasy burned down during Prohibition, over 50 years before. Express an interest in the speakeasy ("Cool.") and then ask "Where WAS that speakeasy?". Turns out it once stood on the current site of the video store in the town square. Exit the conversation and select Edna's binoculars to see that the video store was rebuilt in February of 1931. To narrow it down further we'll need to check Edna's "archives" and to do that we need her gone. ...Not dead, just out of the room.

Use the radiator to the left of the window, then check the newspapers on the couch to the right. Now that you've got what you need it's time to hightail it back to the DeLorean. After fueling up and having a brief talk with his father, Marty hops in the time machine with Einstein. Use the switch to turn on the time circuits and flux capacitor, then use the keypad to get this rescue mission underway and to pop another achievement.

After a rather conspicuous arrival in the midst of a good old fashioned bootlegger police chase, Marty and Einstein walk into Hill Valley on June 13th, 1931. You're approached for an interview by none other than 1931 Edna, who you can say whatever you like to. The name you give Edna will be your alias for a while, so pick whichever one you like best. (I'm a Harry Callahan myself, but your choice has no real bearing on the game.) After a brief canine confrontation, you set off to find Doc. But first, let's grab another missable achievement. Walk down the street to the left, past the barber shop and the speakeasy ruins until you spy a sign that reads - "Law Offices of Gale, Zemeckis, and Fine" - a reference to the writers and producers of Back to the Future. Simply interacting with this sign nets you:

Continue left/towards the screen until a soup kitchen sign appears in the foreground. Follow the arrow to the right past the soup kitchen and interact with the jail window to find Doc. All of Marty's ideas will be dismissed by Doc, although suggesting "Let's go back in time" will reveal "I guess I could break you out of jail...", which gives Doc an idea. You need to track down 1931 teenage Doc, so ask 1986 Doc "Where can I find your younger self?" to receive Doc's 1931 phone number. Before we head off to find a phone, let's get another missable. Ask Doc "Where've you been?", "How's the family?", and "Where'd the DeLorean come from?" and you should get an unplausible explanation and an achievement.

Double back to the soup kitchen on the corner and watch as an even earlier generation of Tannen harangues an even earlier generation of McFly. After the exchange, head left and use the phone in the back to call the Brown household. '31 Doc can't make it to the phone because he's working at the courthouse, so leave the soup kitchen, cross the street to the left, then head across the courtyard, head right across another street, then climb the steps on the other side.

Upon interacting with the door, you'll (literally) run into '31 Doc. He hurries off, but we need to speak to him so hold cn_B to catch up. If he gets away, chase him down again until he stops and has another conversation. If he makes it into the law offices, simply wait a few seconds and he'll leave again. Keep pestering '31 Doc until you only have two conversation options and neither work. Return to the jail and speak to '86 Doc again, mentioning meeting his younger iteration and how he mutters. Ask about the Expo and you'll learn '31 Doc is probably hung up on a math equation.

Track down young Doc again and use the tape recorder on him, then return to old Doc and tell him you recorded the muttering. Return to '31 Doc and tell him "H equals the Hamiltonian Operator!" to solve his conundrum. Doc concludes that since you know about his rocket drill, you must be from the patent office. Play along and tell Doc you need a full sized, fully operational prototype ASAP. He agrees, as long as you deliver a subpoena Arthur McFly. You should also pop:

Head towards the left side of the courtyard and speak to Edna. Ask "What's the scoop?" then inquire about "soup deliveries". Ask about the Stay Sober Society, suggest a meeting location, and tell Edna "The Brown Residence". Return to the soup kitchen, then use the door as if you're going to turn around and leave. Eden enters and picks up a barrel of soup. Notice that Cueball gives her a barrel from the table, not the shelf. Walk to the left to trigger another cutscene. The shelf with the barrels is on an elevator going down to the basement. Try the door to the right of the telephone, then tell Emmett you're having trouble getting into the kitchen. While Emmett is getting to work on the door, let's head to the right. When you hear a "Eureka!" from the other side of the room you've walked far enough.

Talk to Cueball and ask for some soup. When asked, suggest whatever ingredient you like. While Cueball is distracted by the soup, we have to do something a bit delicate. Walk a bit to the right - just enough to change the camera from the close up of Marty's back to a wider view. If you get too close to the main door, Cueball will leave the stove and sit back down. If that happens, you'll have to try the soup again and suggest another ingredient. Once you get the camera angle to change, stop, and use the red pipe on the wall. Use object highlighting if you're having trouble. This should trigger another cutscene where Edna picks up a barrel of alcohol instead of soup. We need to get it from her so leave the kitchen and return to the place in the park where we spoke to her earlier.

Ask her if you can deliver soup, then tell her you know of a charity that needs soup - the Stay Sober Society in fact. Since you already volunteered the Brown household, Emmett overhears about your plan. To get Emmett on board, tell him "They're sober.","They'll be quiet." & "Okay then. Forget the whole thing". You should also earn:

Now to serve this subpoena. Leave the park and cross the street off in the distance. You should be back in the sidewalk by the Law Offices sign. Continue down the street to the barbershop and talk to Kid Tannen. Agree to shine his shoes and mention you're looking for Arthur McFly. Ask "Isn't that Artie's hat?" and then ask for some of the peanuts Kid is keeping in it. When he agrees, say "What in the hell is that!!?" to snatch the hat and escape from Tannen's gang with Emmett's help. Return to the park and use the hat on Einstein to track Arthur down.

After arriving at a familiar apartment, we can immediately head to the right and back to the town square. Now that Kid is back outside the barbershop, go over to him until you're chased onto the roof of the gazebo. Use the tape recorder on Kid, then interact with Einstein to get down once you've got the recording. Head back to the police station and continue past it to the left in order to return to Arthur's. Use the buzzer, use the tape recorder on Arthur, then use the subpoena on Arthur.

With that taken care of, head to Emmett's lab and prepare some fuel for the drill. There's a somewhat-tricky missable achievement for making the fuel without making a single mistake. You'll need to interact with four things. From left to right they are: feeding bacteria, stoking fire, releasing pressure, and generating electricity. Emmett will instruct you by stressing certain words while arguing with his father. If you do not already have subtitles turned on, I highly suggest you do so before attempting this achievement. The key words Emmett is saying will be in all capital letters but make sure you ignore the things Emmett's father says, as they are not instructions. Here are the words to look out for and what they mean.

Sprinkle bacteria food:


Stoke fire:


Release pressure:


Turn crank:


The achievement should pop after arriving at the town square, but if not you can reload an earlier save. There should be an auto save at the beginning on the segment though. As long as you're somewhat quick and don't accidentally choose the wrong thing you should get this on your first few tries.

Fuel Master

No mistakes when making rocket fuel.

Fuel Master

2 guides Offline Game Mode Single Player Missable

After using Emmett's drill (and learning Doc has been moved) you'll pop the penultimate story achievement of the episode.

Walk left, grab the jet drill remains and use them on Edna's bicycle. After riding out of town, Marty catches up to a paddy wagon with Doc in the back. You'll wedge the bike in the rear bumper and board the truck. Go around to the right side, then take the antenna from the roof and a tire iron from the tool box on the running board. Go around back to the left side of the paddy wagon and use the tire iron on the spare tire. You'll grab the hubcap while the wheel falls, allowing you to move forward and examine the front window to see ...Kid? Use the antenna on the car keys, but Marty can't make the grab without Tannen seeing. So back out one screen and talk to Doc through the nearby window. Ask for "a distraction" and then move back up to the front window. While Doc critiques Kid Tannen's driving, try the antenna on the keys again. Use your newly acquired key on the rear doors of the paddy wagon. Throw the hubcap at Kid's gun to disarm him then retrieve it for yourself. Shoot the cuffs with Tannen's revolver and tell Doc to "HIT THE THROTTLE!"

This triggers the end cutscene of Episode I. You should have 12/59 achievements and 200/1000g.

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Back to the Future Game Walkthrough Xbox One


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