Madoka Magica Review Did I Just Do Acid

Overall 10
Story 0
Animation 0
Sound 0
Graphic symbol 0
Enjoyment 0

I am the juice of my acrid.
SHAFT is my trunk, and drugs are my blood.
I accept created over a thousand seizures.
Unknown to DVD sales.
Nor known to stream on fourth dimension.
Have withstood food to create many anime.
Nonetheless, those hands will never concord money.

-a rewrite inspired by those thousand freaking awesome muskets shooting at moustachioed dandelions during the cease sequence of the first episode.

Yous have merely stumbled upon the ultimate Mahou Shoujo, one that doesn't care if it's morally cryptic or not, one with no stock footage, and one where the magic used substitutes candy for bloodbaths.

Story: Magical Girl overtones combined with the trance-like aesthetics of SHAFT and the glorious character designs by a pocket-sized green homo who lives on height of an all-girls Japanese high schools dormitory (see Hidamari Sketch). The script is written by Urobuchi Gen, known for his work on Fate/Nil (hence the poem) and the highly-acclaimed (and crazy practiced) visual novel Saya no Uta. He's besides noted for making me rub out to a pile of sludge. I really like Mr. Urobuchi.

The story is a nighttime Mahou Shoujo. Non like Nanoha at all. Nanoha had some seinen elements in it, but Madoka is a seinen. Information technology takes all the elements of Mahou Shoujo, chucks them in the trash, and completely rewrites the genre. I should note that I take watched a fair amount of anime tagged Horror here on MAL, and non a unmarried one has really instilled fearfulness in me like Madoka has. This is the but Mahou Shoujo I have come up beyond that actually covers events like suicide, murder, and death in a serious fashion and keeps them believable. There is a heavy amount of psychological elements in this anime, too, I should warn. In congruence, I want to laud how the characters mental states and characterization pushes the plot frontward unlike many productions. The psychological aspect is so crucial to the story, that without it, the story would be nonexistent.

A slight digression on becoming a magical girl: (minimal spoilers)
Even after a couple of episodes Madoka does not become a Mahou Shoujo. I've heard a lot of complaints that "she isn't even a magical girl yet, this is stupid" etc. If yous're part of this grouping, please enlighten yourself with this cognition; Madoka takes a spin on many magical girl aspects. Thus, gaining magical powers, which unremarkably occurs in the starting time or second episodes of virtually magical girl series is an event that is pushed farther off in Madoka. Don't get me incorrect, the anime doesn't just do this to be nonconformist. Madoka utilizes the obtainment of ability as a driving role of the story and character development. What Madoka factors into it's execution that other magical girl anime don't is the take chances of death, and how gaining powers makes y'all fifty-fifty more susceptible to information technology. That is why I believe the anime didn't just requite the girls powers very early in the series, and I hope this short blurb clears upwardly this little misunderstanding.

Fine art: SHAFT WAS HERE (insert every other visitor name here) IS A LOSER

The dreamscapes in this anime are stupendous and the frightening nightmarish worlds that announced are undeniably scary. The expansive frontier that the cast is thrown into really delivers the sense of isolation that I believe the staff wanted to present. As for the normal world, SHAFT works information technology's magic on the buildings and rooms - applying an almost futuristic setting while nevertheless within the boundaries of reason. The skyline shots and the pans over wide areas are notably beautiful and quite reminiscent of Ef - a tale of memories (another SHAFT work). There has been some complaint virtually the character designs, only I would say that they're used in this anime the same way Higurashi used theirs. With the lure of a peaceful and happy scenario, fleshed out with a goofy looking set of characters, the anime seems and then innocent. That is until you watch a little of it. Don't create a predisposition on this anime by it'southward naive appearance, this is one scary anime.

I would also like to praise the transformation scenes. They are never extensively erotic, every bit that aspect tends to be abused in anime such every bit Moetan or Nurse Witch Komugi, and they are always different. The 2nd fourth dimension a transformation scene happened I double took the scene and watched information technology again to make certain that my optics weren't deceiving me (and so I guess I concluded up watching the animation twice anyways, but regardless). That's right, a magical daughter transformation sequence that is different every fourth dimension and isn't overused to swallow air fourth dimension.

Sound: The opening is like this fabulously intense orchestration that merely makes you feel Big. The opening animation accompanying the sound definitely contributes to the song and I find it very fitting. One thing to annotation about the OP is that there'south a larger portion of crying than at that place is of laughter, which should be hint plenty to prepare you for an experience that doesn't want to make friends. The ending preformed past Kalafina (Kara no Kyoukai, Sora no Woto) is eargasmic. Information technology has a brutal and rough distorted sound, and isn't full shown until the ending of the third episode. It's stark contrast with the opening actually works. The animation set to the ending is a bit spooky if annihilation, and the difficult angry vocals of Kalafina get in all the more intense. The sound rail throws in some "acid music" (in that location's not a word for what SHAFT has done hither) so just lookout man out for that music. Word on the street is that side furnishings include chronic arousal and aviator application. I tin can personally vouch though, that the soundtrack is varied and creative, and that information technology's difficult to remove your ill shades for more than than a few seconds while watching.

Character: Madoka Kaname is the boilerplate personality-less protagonist who is best described (past herself) every bit "kinda impaired" and "has no special skills." She leads an average life with a loving family. Her friends are a tomboy and aradere that at starting time prospect have no impressive qualities. And so Madoka learns virtually Mahou Shoujo who fight in surreptitious to defend society. They fight entities called "Witches" that spread distress and anxiety. If you're expecting a happy-bubbly slice-of-life, you lot couldn't be anywhere further away from the marker. Mahou Shoujo Magica Madoka is a very nighttime anime. It quickly shifts from drinking tea to suicide'due south with unsettling skill. The characters are a whole lot more circuitous than the boilerplate Mahou Shoujo - where the characters oftentimes don't develop at all, within the showtime few episodes so much development occurs that you might be wondering if you're watching the aforementioned anime (and the evolution is presented incredibly conceivable). With Urobuchi Gen on staff mind shattering moments are arable. Gen has fifty-fifty come out straight and said this is an anime that can exist understood even ameliorate re-watched. The characters are a lot more in depth than y'all would await from a Mahou Shoujo, and are surprisingly realistic. If you desire moe~moe~ magical girls, then delight refrain from watching Mahou Shoujo Magika Madoka, because Madoka deals a lot more with relationships and human issues than it does try to be cute and funny. Yoshinoya-Sensei likewise plays a cameo (only she's wearing a wig so watch carefully).

Enjoyment: This is your encephalon on drugs. Cue Freezepop's vocal Brainpower.

Overall: Madoka has an uncanny knack for going from quaint to agonizing incredibly fast. It likewise has the ability to Blow YOUR MIND. So go lookout man it, okay?

After the final episodes take aired, I can say with confidence, if you're willing to dauntless through the kickoff iii episodes that totter between "platitude Magic Daughter anime" and "mysteriously dark" so you lot'll be pleasantly surprised that the latter is what yous'll receive throughout. Madoka ranks with very few anime. Information technology is one that start with a whimper and ends with a whimper, simply is packed with bangs throughout.

The following are notes I added afterward each episode aired between January 7th, 2011 and April 22nd, 2011:
PS2: GIGA MUSKETTT BUREEAKKKKERRRRRRRR... and imma sip some tea now.
PS3: Needs a hardware update.
PS4: I weep out of fear watching this.
PS5: fat chicks yum
PS7: I tin see Kyouko being all similar "GIMME ALL YO Food, OR I Will EAT Yous"
PS8: Fried Kyubey on a Stick - A southern American effeminateness
PS9: I recollect I'thousand watching a Darren Aronofsky production
PS10: I liked this episode because they explained Homura's pilus.
PS11: Battler would approve of this end


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